Can you imagine the anguish that a guardian faces when a mother or father gets away from the home? The chilling feeling of searching for a missing loved one should never be experienced.
Statistically, 6 out of 10 seniors with dementia will wander from their homes without warning. To address this potential problem, being PROACTIVE is the key.
Here are several strategies that CREATUS Adult Assisted Living implements to create a “safety net” for wandering seniors.
Purchase a tracker to place in their clothing or shoes. Test tracker every 30 days to assure proper functioning. Trackers for Seniors with Dementia.
Purchase an alarm bed pad. Bed Alarm for Seniors with Dementia
Consider a doorbell alert. Doorbell Alert
Keep the home alarm on “stay”, even when someone is in the home. Modify the chimes to a more intense alert sound such as a fire siren.
This is just a sample of what can be done to prevent additional stress that can come with taking care of a loved one with Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.
If you need help with planning the assisted living care of your family member and want to learn more about available services and levels of care, contact Creatus Adult Assisted Living, LLC. at 301-661-8624 or email: Dr. Maria Scott,
More About How to Care for A Loved One with Dementia